The Guide to Starting Over in a New City by Megan Boley Mental Musings

If it doesn’t happen immediately, keep putting yourself out there. If you work remotely and don’t go into an office every day, you might not have the same opportunities to meet people, but it’s not impossible to make work friends. Whether it’s a recreation league at the gym, a running club in your neighborhood, or the how to make friends when you work from home hot yoga studio with the best reviews, friendship has the potential to blossom where people gather to workout. Pay particular attention to flyers around the studio or gym, too. Many will advertise special workshops, guest teachers, or other social events. This goes double if you’re moving to a different country.

The friendships, however, went to another level when we all started hanging out in person at blogging conferences. There is nothing cooler than meeting friends, most of which you’ve met online through Facebook groups or Twitter, in person. Another great piece of advice on how to make friends in a new state or new city is to join a gym or a yoga studio – an excellent way to stay fit and be social at the same time.

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Show genuine interest in them, be positive and you’ll see how more and more people will want to be around you. The period of making friends in a new city knows no specific timeframe. Sometimes it takes weeks; more often, it takes months or even years. The important thing to remember is that eventually, if you’re diligent about putting these principles into practice, you will find your people. You’ll connect with friends that make a city so much more than just a city — that make it a home.

Help them if they need it and show courtesy if they do something nice for you. She was optimistic about making friends but had no idea how to do it. She’d sit in cafes, or sometimes at bars, hoping that someone might talk to her.

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Here’s how to make sure finding friends is less challenging than assembling a coffee table with an allen wrench. We’re in the internet age, so you may as well use it. Meetup is one of the best social networks, because it’s all about meeting in person. Most cities will have a decent amount groups meeting for every interest imaginable from birdwatching to fishing to fashion.

How to make friends if I work from home in a new city

Take advantage of everyone (seriously, everyone) who says, “Oh, you’re moving to ___? ” This is no time to feign interest in blind friend dates. One of the best places to start when moving to a new city is to tap the resources you currently trust for friend leads. The girlfriend of your roommate’s second cousin could be a worthwhile email, even if all it leads to is a recommendation for a great hairstylist. You need to start somewhere, and it’s best if you start with those you know. In the mobile and widespread generation we live in, don’t underestimate a six-degree separation from your new BFF.

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If you have a dog, head to your local dog park and start a conversation with another pet parent; you’ll be able to bond over your fur babies and swap funny stories. Take some lunch breaks or enjoy your morning coffee at your local park, and head down to the beach at sunset for a leisurely stroll. Getting out and about will feel good and naturally increase your chances of meeting others, which is a win-win. Moving to a new city is a great time to think about what causes you’re really passionate about.